Sunday, May 31, 2009

Podcast Interview with Bianca

Couldn't figure out how to cross-post my podcast through utterli, but hopefully this link works!

I interviewed my friend Bianca, an advertising major, on her likes and dislikes of advertisements.

Here's a pic of Bianca and the Chick-fil-a Cow.

Russian-style Got Milk?

Oh, stumbleupon. The gems you give me to blog about are never ending. Just when I was getting bored stumbling, I find this collection of Russian photos. Very controversial, very bloggable. It's bizarre that these photos are so beautifully done while being so crude. Doesn't make me want to go grab a glass of milk. I was curious about who would advertise using images like this, and found this article. Hopefully, it is correct and these ads were not used in a milk campaign. Some argue that American Got Milk? ads can border on the overly sexual, but I don't think these are comparable. What do you think?

Photo credit: striatic

Crazy billboard for

I use Digsby, so I get alerts from my twitter and facebook. Well, when you see an alert that says "Billboard WTF [PIC]" you just have to check it out. Thanks again, @digg_2000.

I really have no words for this billboard ad. Really?

Axe Mousepad from Dubai

Axe ads in America aren't exactly a feminist's dream, but how do you think this mousepad ad from Dubai for the launch of would do here?

Hilarious Dawn Commercial from the 80s

Thank you twitter and @digg_2000 for providing inspiration for this blog post. For those you that don't know, has a twitter that posts articles that get 2000 "diggs." And this must mean they are interesting. Just like this ad from the 80s.

What do you think she is saying? That's some reward for washing a few dishes. I can't fully understand a single thing she says. And what is she holding? This whole ad is just hilarious.

Photo credit: aprilzosia

Friday, May 29, 2009

"If Advertisements Were Truthful"

Another thanks to stumbleupon for this hilarious list of what "truthful" ads would like. Doubt many of these products would be as popular.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

At least sexist advertising is a little more subtle now...

I started using Google Alerts for Advertising blogs, and found this lovely blog. It's an interesting collection of print ads from the past that are so blatantly sexist that you hope they are just a joke, but these are real published ads. The one I particularly have a problem with is the ad for Tipalet cigarettes- "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere." Really? I'm glad we have moved in a better direction, because I don't think anyone should be following that man.